
ACM Repairs

: https://acmrepairs.com/

Technologies: ReactJS, netlify, netlify-cms, netlify-functions, mailgun, mapboxGL

Business website for the HVAC and Appliance repair company ACM Repairs.




  • Webpage built on create-react-app and hosted on Netlify which offers continuous deployment from this repo
  • Responsive for view on desktop, tablet, and mobile
  • Mostly single-page application with exception of map tool (see below)
  • Contact form which forwards its information to the business via email.

Map Tool


  • Interactive map tool allowing prospective customers to determine if they fall in the company's service range

Content Management System


  • Gives the company flexibility in updating what is on the site, such as their contact information, their available hours, and the page content itself

    • Allows the company to have admin CMS privileges, without requiring them to make any extra accounts for third party sites. Authentication is handled through their Google account
    • Content updates are handled directly in GitHub, meaning changes are visible as soon as a publish builds through Netlify
    • Company can update their location and service range as they scale. Updates here are reflected in the map tool (see above)
    • Powered by NetlifyCMS


  • Implement photos integration with Instagram as company scales
  • Add reviews section using Google My Business API as company scales