
Gatsby Portfolio

: https://www.vokev.in/

: Github Repo

Technologies: GatsbyJS, GraphQL, ReactJS, netlify-cms, netlify-functions, mailgun

A little more insight on how I made this site!




  • Webpage built on GatsbyJS and hosted on Netlify which offers continuous deployment from this repo
  • Responsive for view on desktop, tablet, and mobile
  • Showcases projects and blogposts
  • Contact form which fowards to my email.

Projects section


  • Projects are added through a CMS (see below)
  • Project information are stored as markdown files which are queried using GraphQL
  • Static pages are generated using each project, powered by Gatsby's Node.js createPage API
  • Project filters are made possible by modifying the GraphQL queries to include specific tags
  • Site uses similar template and layouts to produce a Blog section as well

Content Management System


  • Allows me to easily submit project/blog updates which are readily visible once a publish builds through Netlify
  • Color field allows me to thematically style how a project looks on the site.
  • Tags offer the ability to filter projects by its type.
  • Powered by NetlifyCMS


  • Depending on the amount of blog/project posts:

    • lazy load images to speed up performance
    • paginate so single-page content is less bloated